Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fat Bastard

I just wanted to share with you the delicious dinner I made last night...
this dish is called Fat Bastard..I got the recipe off a customer at the supermarket where i work..she came in the other  day.. and I asked her what she was making and she said Fat bastard...I said excuse me?? and she said again fat bastard ..and I said what is that...
so she told me you cook 500g beef mince and add a jar of pasta sauce and some cooked pasta (whatever pasta ya want and as much as ya like.) you put this mix into a ovenproof dish. then you mix a tub of cream cheese and a tub of thickened cream together and pour it on top, then you spinkle grated cheese on top . place the dish in a moderate oven and cook for 30 mins...


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